Lesson 3: Taking Care of Your Teeth

Your teeth are a big part of your daily life – whether you realize it or not. They help us chew, which allows us to digest our food, and even have an effect on the way we speak!

If you’ve ever lost a tooth you might remember that it felt odd to pronounce certain sounds; you may not have been able to pronounce them at all!

It is so important that you take care of your teeth so that you can enjoy all the foods you like and feel confident about your smile!


The two most important ways to take care of your teeth are:


You should brush twice a day, every day. Once in the morning when you wake up and once in the evening before you go to bed. If you can, you can even brush after meals.

Brush your teeth for 2 minutes every time you brush, and make sure to get those teeth in the back too!


You should floss every day in order to remove food particles from between your teeth. Simply brushing won’t be able to get those little bits that can cause a lot of damage if left to build up and cause plaque, which will result in cavities.

Flossing regularly will not only keep your teeth healthy but will also ensure healthy gums! Not flossing can result in gingivitis which will make your gums tender, red, and swollen.


Use a Soft or Medium Bristled toothbrush so you don’t irritate your gums or wear away your enamel.

Your teeth may feel very hard (and they are) but brushing too hard can damage the teeth too. All you need to keep your teeth nice and healthy is to brush and floss regularly.

Visit your dentists for regular check-ups.


#102-3737 Oak Street, Vancouver BC





By Car

Free parking is available on Oak Street, Balfour Street, or Wolfe Street. Some restrictions apply.

By Bus/Skytrain

Bus #17, #25, and the Canada Line (King Edwards) station are all nearby.